Changes to Make to Your Parent Training Handouts

As a fun experiment, I put out a “call for papers” for parent training handouts/protocols via email and social media. My main intention is to show you small things you can do with your current handouts to make them more parent friendly.

I chose 3 samples and put together a video for you below.

Here are a few things to increase readability:

  • White space. Add white space with wide margins, increase spacing in paragraphs, using images, and even taking out excess information. When a page is heavy with text, it will likely overwhelm the reader.

  • Turning lists into bullets and tables instead of paragraph form. It not only adds white space, but the information is organized and easy to read.

  • Being intentional with color. Pick at most 2 colors. Use color to bring the reader’s attention to important information.

Sample 1:
Snack Write UP

Tap images for details.



[ 1 ] - The list of options is hidden in the paragraph. This can be pulled into a bullet list or table.



[ 1 ] - Created a 3 column table to illustrate an array with examples.

[ 2 ] - I used color to bring attention to the snack options and when to offer snack.


  1. I love the simple layout. I wouldn’t change much.

  2. In the “intervention” section, the trainer describes 3 options to offer during snack. Instead of listing in a sentence, I pulled the information out into a 3-column table.

Sample 2:

Tap images for details.

Sample 01.jpg


[ 1 - 3 ] - These can be separated into a series of parent goals

[ 4 ] - Color block brings your attention to the information here.

Sample - SR_2-45.png


Added white space throughout the document.

[ 1 ] - Brought callout, color block to the top.

[ 2 ] - Added blank space for active discussion on those topics through examples.

[ 3 ] - Merged “Key Principles of Reinforcement” and “Using Reinforcement Effectively.” Removed the other sections for another training.

[ 4 ] - Checkboxes broke up the text, and brings attention to what the parent needs to do.

This sample is a training intended for registered behavior technicians (RBT) and also used for parents. The trainer said they would like input as it may be overwhelming for parents.


  • I love the yellow, callout block. It brings your attention to something important. I moved it to the top so it’s the first thing you see.

  • The document is heavy with jargon. I would simplify the terminology for parents and add plenty of examples.

  • To reduce information overload, perhaps deliver the content in digestible bites. The document could easily be broken into 2-3 parent goals across multiple sessions.

  • Add white space so they document doesn’t appear heavy with text.

  • Make the handout interactive by adding blank boxes and checklists. The small, yellow checkboxes are helpful tips or prompts for parents to be effective.

Sample 3:
Lesson plan

Tap images for details.



This is page 2 of the handout.

[ 1 ] - I suggest reserving the green background to page 1 (shown in video) since the first page is a “how to” and is the primary focus.



[ 1 ] - Changed the color for the titles to establish the different sections of the page.

[ 2 ] - Created an alternative layout to bullets using a table.

[ 3 ] - Increased paragraph spacing to add more “white space”

The 2-page handout was already great, but the trainer asked for suggestions to turn this into a template for multiple families since the trainer is limited with the amount of time with them. I provided an alternative layout.


  • I got excited to see my BIP Template in action!

  • I would keep the “how-to” to page 1, and move all the programs to page 2. It appears page 2 is an overview of all the programs. As a template, keeping designated sections allows space for shorter or longer content depending on the family’s needs.

  • Be intentional with color. I reserved the green background to page 1 since it is something the parent is currently learning.


The main changes I did throughout the 3 documents are adding white space and pulling out important information into a bullet list or table. This makes it easier to find information without feeling overwhelmed with heavy text.

I hope you found this helpful! I appreciated the sample submissions so I could do this for y’all. If you’re looking for more parent training examples, check out my Roadmap to Parent Training materials.